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A Twisted Gears Studios Production


In the 1930's, The New England Centre for Antiquities sends teams of investigators to report on strange happenings from around the globe.

Dec 18, 2018

Case Number 01.05 - Arriving at the Corbett Farmstead - THE CALL

Our investigators proceed after their disturbed sleep on to the Corbett Farmstead in search for Althia's stolen car...

#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg, #rpggame, #callofcthulhu, #callofcthulhurpg, #cthulhu

Dec 4, 2018

Case Number 01.04 - Uninvited Guests - THE CALL

The investigators return to Swill's Gullet to find a trail of blood as Skeet and Althia's car are both missing.  The team plan to rest for the evening until an uninvited guest arrives...

#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg,...

Nov 20, 2018

Case Number 01.03 Resting in Swill's Gullet THE CALL

The investigators make their way back to Swill's Gullet from nearly succumbing to the strange effects of the stone on the Montgomery Farmstead.  However, they didn't return alone...

#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg,...

Nov 6, 2018

Case Number 01.02 - The Boulder - THE CALL

Our investigators proceed to the Montgomery Farm Stead, following a lead from a local of Swill's Gullet.  What could possibly be so strange about a boulder that came from no where...

#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg,...

Oct 23, 2018

Case Number 01.01 - Swill's Gullet - THE CALL

Our Investigators begin their investigation in the small hamlet of Swill's Gullet.  Their primary task, to locate Dr. Barnabus Jones and/or find out what has happened to him...

#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg,...